No matter how much you clean or remodel or move or rebuild, hospitality will always be more a matter of the heart than the architecture. Your guests will only feel as comfortable in your house as you feel in your own skin. There's no shame in paper plates if they're heaped high with delight in each others' company. ~Ann Voskamp Today this meant kids in swimsuits and muddy-feet. It meant water guns and a friend changing my Little Lady no less than 3 times because she's a fish. It meant mac&cheese and oranges and chatting about wonderful God-inspired writers and how exciting it is to see that in the nutrition section of bookstores. It meant talking about the nitty-gritty bits of life and owning up to some of our hurts and heartaches and struggles. It meant smiles and laughter and honesty. It meant not worrying that there were raisins all over the floor or that Little Lady had a bit of a messy room or that weeds hadn't been plucked yet. And it m...
Because I don't want to miss this gift...