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Come On In

Well, we officially survived Spring Break. My kitchen sink looked like this most of the week. We had play dates, trips to the zoo, lazy afternoons outside, and movies to watch so the dishes had to wait. I didn't mind. :)

My sink got me thinking about what you might happen upon if you were to come hang with my little crew for an afternoon. Here's a little run-down:

- Crusty, dried-up peas by the television. I don't know why but the little ladies around these parts love to leave their snacking peas around the television. By the time I've gotten around to finding them and cleaning them up the peas are usually crusty and weird.

- Socks. They're everywhere. I can't explain it other than to say that as soon as we get inside the socks come off and end up in every nook and cranny of the living room, kitchen, and dining area. I am constantly finding socks. Now, if I could only find their mates...

- Crushed something. It might be Cheerios. But it could be a pretzel. A Veggie Straw perhaps?

- Napkins by CocoPuff. She likes to draw on the napkins with pen and I can't bring myself to throw them away just because they have a little pen ink on them. So, if you need a napkin please help yourself and know that the art on it was done in love.

- Piles of stuffed animals. My boy loves his stuffed animals. There is always a small collection of them in the living room. Today it's Pokémon. Tomorrow might be Monster's Inc. guys. The next day it'll be Dr. Seuss characters. And don't touch them by the way - someone is a little protective of his stuffed friends. :)

The truth of it all is that my house won't be perfectly clean or even tidy, but you are always welcome here. I don't have an agenda, don't need compliments on my decorating style or the snacks I scrambled to put out; I just want to know you and be known by you.

So come on over, have some coffee, pull up a chair or find a comfy spot on the floor, let your kiddos play wild with mine, and let's chat. The door is open...just keep an eye out for crunchy peas.


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